Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Silent Sonata: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Elizabeth Leung (2013)

The image on the left, a bell, represents silence. I thought it would be interesting to have an instrument, which typically would embody sound, illustrate silence instead. Since instruments typically create sound, an instrument not being played accentuates silence, as the reader expects it to be played. The bell is lying on the ground and the clapper lies at the bottom of the bell, so it’s not being used, and therefore, is silent.

The image on the right, a metronome, represents a sonata, a type of song. Instruments are commonly used to symbolize music, but I didn’t want to go with the obvious. Meanwhile, metronomes are tied closely to music; without music, there would be no use for a metronome. The pendulum is captured in motion blur to imply that the metronome is moving and being used to create music.

The Self Portrait Diptych was based off of my English personal poem, ''Wheel of Fortune.'' My oxymoron, silent sonata, was based off of the line ''Orpheus’ song.'' Orpheus is a figure in Greek mythology, who possessed great musical talent, but gave up playing music for living creatures once his wife died to try to bring her back. However, he failed in his quest to bring her back to life, and as a result, was left with nothing. ''Sonata'' represents Orpheus’ gift, while ''silence'' symbolizes him giving up that gift for another future. Similarly, I often focus on a certain future I want, expecting victory. But no matter how much effort is put in, there is no guarantee that my ''perfect future'' will come to pass; there are many obstacles that could come up, so it’s better to leave my options open. Aesthetically, the photos create a sense of unity through their similar focal points and lines leading up to them. However, the difference in their portrayal, motion versus stillness, contrasts the two photos.
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