Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Revealing Emptiness: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Emma Bridgland (2013)

My project is based off my English poem. I used an oxymoron I made up, which was revealingly empty. I chose to take a picture of a gift-wrapped box that has the lid slightly open, revealing lights, next to a railroad track behind a fence. For the revealing part, which would be the box with lights, I used the lines in my poem that say, ''the way you see scenery now can change in seconds the sun could set and reveal a pink and golden sky.'' The picture symbolizes the line because they are both showing that at the right angle or time, amazing things can be revealed.

For the second picture, I chose to use the opposite of revealing, which was empty, and took a picture of the train tracks. The line in the poem I chose for the tracks was, ''the mind is as vast and unknown as the bottom of the ocean.'' Train tracks are long and go on for miles, making them appear to go on forever if staring at them straight on. It looks empty yet huge.

My two images go together because of the colors and the leading lines.The color of the lights in the box are almost the same color as the sky in the train picture. Also the line the top of the box goes down leads to the same place the tracks go down.
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