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Watch Out!: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Hiba Absar (2013)

The image of the eye was taken from the line in my poem that says, ''staring right at me.'' My poem as a whole is about fear and the eye represents fear. I made everything besides the eye black and white to make the eye pop out and emphasized the creepiness of the eye.

The other side of my diptych represents being watched. The girl in the picture doesn’t know she is being watched. Being behind the window, looking through adds a sense of eeriness. This image came from the line of my poem that reads, ''I am afraid of the unknown, not being aware of the glass doll one the dresser.'' Not knowing she is being watched is a metaphor for being naive.

The two images come together to give the message of having the fear of being watched. The two images as a whole are a metaphor for the pressure and fear you feel when somebody is watching you, like giving a speech in front of a class or being home alone but feeling like there is someone there. The images work well together because of the similar color and lines.
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