Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Escape: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by James Anderson (2013)

In my first picture I used fishing bobbers to show fine. Fishing is something that I always could do for fun. I am able to escape from reality when I fish. In my poem I talked about how it is important to have fun in life. I believe in finding something important that you can do with your life to be able to enjoy it.

In my second picture I used pills. Some people use pills to escape from reality as well, but I used it to emphasize how important the fishing is to my life. I believe that if I find something I love to do I will be able to stay away from substance-abuse.

The pills and fishing go together because they are two different ways of escaping your problems. And fishing it is a fine recreational way unlike the substance-abuse. If I am able to find something I truly love to do and can get enjoyment from it I will be able to stay away from harming my body just to relieve some stress.
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