Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Kinetic Tranquility: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Jillian Burns (2013)

This diptych is based on the personal poem I did in English class. The lines I drew the most inspiration from were, for the left side, ''stumbling...toppling downward,'' and for the right side, ''making mirrors of the pavement.''

For the left picture, I was trying to convey movement through long lines, angles, bright color, and the use of rubber bands, which are known for snapping quickly. I wanted to emphasize the idea that even in stillness, there is constant motion. The rubber bands specifically, bright red on a calm blue background, are meant to represent this movement.

As for the right picture, I wanted to create a sense of calm and peacefulness. I did so by using deep colors, especially blue, and using a flower, which is often seen as a symbol of relaxation. I tried to echo the image of a mirror by reflecting light off of the flat water the flower was sitting in.
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