Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Farmer Doll: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Jodi DeMassa (2013)

The Farmer Doll and Scarecrow, the Cat and the Basket - The Scarecrow and the farmer represent friendship because farmers rely on scarecrows to protect their food in the field. In my poem it describes how a close sister-like friendship led to overcoming a phobia of 360 degree rides. The line ''I felt relieved'' influenced the position of the scarecrow and doll sitting next to each other to show how they can rely on eachother. (The doll is leaning on the scarecrow).

I positioned the cat to look like a foe by isolating it. With it’s natural side glare, it fits perfectly what a foe would look like--either plotting revenge or planning out a sneaky way to not get caught. I used the basket for an abstract look. A foe can also represent fear for what’s to come or worry. The ''yellow cage'' ties with the basket because the angle shot makes it look like a cage.

One photo represents friendship, while the other represents a foe. A foe isn’t someone you rely on. The foe desires to only hurt and tear apart another in a slick way, whereas a friend is someone you can trust and rely on. They relate to another because both have to do with the ferris wheel. It just shows that if I trusted a foe and told them that i was daunted by a specific ride, I wouldn’t feel relieved even after going on the ride.
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