Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Self Portrait: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Alexander Paulsen (2013)

On the left side of my diptych, I took a picture of a one of the mirrors of my car. In the reflection stands a boy in a graduation gown, holding a diploma. I wanted to depict looking at high school as a part of your past, holding a different view on it now, then you did during high school. For example, during high school you could be having fun, but later in life you look back on the experience and think, I wasted all my time. This is a metaphor based my personal poem done in english, inspired by the lines ''the bustling people will crane their necks for him… as the boy is perched on the tower he has built.'' I am trying to show how where you are life, determines your perspective, position, and outlook on things.
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