Freestyle Academy proudly presents

XBAND: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Kevin Van Dyke (2013)

On the right, we have the beloved XBOX power button. With a remote to the right of it. The remote matches the XBOX controller that is on top of the XBOX. Next, there is the big power button, representing the initial interaction, along with the TV remote, symbolizing something which you have to interact with in order for it to be enjoyed, otherwise it just lays there stagnant.

On the left, there is a rubber band, on top of the same XBOX from the other picture. We have the matching color schemes of the remote, the remote symbolizing the interaction itself, and the rubber band. A rubber band, you must stretch in order for it to do anything of value. May it be stretching it to slingshot it, or to fit it around a stack of papers or loaf of bread in a bag. You have to interact with it, then it serves it’s purpose.

The overall theme of my diptych is interaction and things you have to actually involve yourself in and interact with to get anything out of them. I consider myself sort of like that. You have to put in a little bit of effort to impress me, be my friend, etcetera. You must put in value to receive value. That may be true of all people, but I find it especially true about myself.
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