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Alone Together: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Kiyoshi Taylor (2013)

The oxymoron I used for my diptych was alone together. The poem was about making someone out of place fit in. The diptych was based off of the lines ''better to be alone than to be surrounded.'' Sometimes it is better to be alone than to be surrounded by people. I used little green army soldiers to represent chaos or peace people have when they are together or alone.

The picture on the left is showing how being surrounded doesn’t always make you feel at peace or safe. I used a bunch of army guys all battle ready to represent this. In the bottom of the picture you can see rocks that represent the soldiers. Like the soldiers they are all piled up on each other. The scene is made to be chaotic and clustered. The soldiers are set up to show extremely dysfunction and no real sense of direction. Their only objective is to aim and shoot. People tend to be quick to judge when put in a certain situation with other people who are just as hyped as them.

The picture to the right shows the alone aspect from the poem. The soldier I selected seemed to be at peace with himself. I also chose him because he was the only soldier who wasn’t about to fight someone. I thought it was important to chose a soldier who had his gun on his shoulders because it creates a sense of calm. You can also see a single rock behind him. Unlike the first image where the rocks where all piled up on each other, this rock has plenty of space around. Some when alone, can relax and unwind easier than if they were with people.
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