Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Roads We Take: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Nora Donovan (2013)

The idea that I wanted to present is how we as people can always look into our past, but sometimes the get caught in it and get stuck, and can’t see what is already around them.

The first picture on the right shows the side view mirror and a pair of sunglasses. The side view mirror shows how we look into our past, and at a glance can see how far we have come, but if you look to long then you lose track of where you are going. The sunglasses show that even though we need them sometimes, it blocks what is next to us and forces us to focus on what’s ahead. This keeps us from using our peripheral vision to see what obstacles can sneak up on us.

The other half, on the left, is a map with red arrows. The map represents us trying to get a different perspective so we can see what might be ahead, but you never can know what is always ahead. The red arrows show the different routes we can take to get places, and at the same time the paths that others follow might not be the one that you are on currently.
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