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Highway: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Patrick Ogaz (2013)

For my left photo I wanted to convey the structure required in a highway. The highway quote came from the part of my poem when i was describing the form of a tree's branches. To put emphasis on structure I shot the image from a bridge and in photoshop and put everything in black and white except the colors of the stop sign and light. The signs are a more metaphorical interpretation of structure in order to keep the highway safe. The other way is more literally in that a highway or a road must be structured well to hold up to the high demands of weather and plenty of travelers that use them daily.

For my right photo I took a picture of a spiral binder which was to represent a spine. I used spine in my poem to describe the bark and stability of the trunk of a tree has to support itself. With in this picture the spine was used to show unity and strength that the spiral ring has to bind the pages of the notebook together.

Together these two images purpose was to represent stability and structure. Both the highway or road need rebar and other necessary materials in order to build it to be strong and safe all of these supplies and safety precautions are put in to give it support and a good system. Likewise the spine of the notebook is to to show that the mental rings need to be strong to provide the notebook with some sort of structure.
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