Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Just hold on: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Ricardo Juarez (2013)

In my first picture I show my oxymoron which is ''Pain has never hurt so good''. In this picture I used ''Stitch'' a Disney stuffed character I received from my girlfriend last year with a weight on it. I decided to use the stitch because I felt that a stuffed animal is too cliche and it always works out perfect to represent something good since it was a gift from my girlfriend who means a lot. Now, the weight is supposed to represent pain, stress and problems. Also I decided to use the red background to show tension representing my stress and problems.

For my second picture I'm supposed to represent my future. Many people would use a clock or watch to show to or the future. How would I should time without being too cliche? Well with some help I got the idea of using a metronome to show time by getting a picture of it in motion to show the ticking.

These two pictures don't have a similarity at all but they represent the concept of my poem which is ''Pain has never hurt is good because it gets me looking forward to my future'' meaning that I tend to use all negativity around to push myself forward looking for a bright future. In one picture the color tone is really warm, very tense and on the other picture its more of cooling colors which are more relaxing.
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