Freestyle Academy proudly presents

A Constant Comfort: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Sofia Biros (2013)

A Constant Comfort is a diptych I have created for Design. A diptych is two side by side photos that somehow, both visually and metaphorically, relate to each other. The idea for my diptych originated from a poem that I wrote in my English class. In my poem, I write about how comforting a sweatshirt is, even if you are in a situation that is anything but comfortable. From this idea, I wrote the statement ''an old sweatshirt is a comfort because it is a consistent and predictable figment.'' I modeled my diptych after this statement. On the left side of my diptych, I have placed a photo of many sweatshirts all lined up next to one another, hanging in a closet. This shows how a sweatshirt is always a comfort, especially because one can find comfort in numbers. An entire closet of sweatshirts is very comforting, and is an exaggerated way of showing a sweatshirt’s comfort.

On the right side of my diptych, I show one single sweatshirt haphazardly strewn on a table against a fancy place setting. This side of the diptych represents how even in a situation where you feel as though you do not belong or it is not ''right,'' there is always something that can make it more comfortable. I show this through the maroon sweatshirt being in the background of the place setting. The sweatshirt shows how it is there to be comforting and makes you feel more at ease, even though the situation may be nerve racking.

The left and right sides of my diptych, although they are very different photos, are artistically related to each other. The juxtaposed images are visually connected primarily through the maroon sweatshirt. The maroon sweatshirt is easily picked out among the mostly grey and black sweatshirts on the left side, and it is the only piece of clothing on the right hand side. Additionally, the juxtaposed photos are visually similar because they both do not have a wide variety of colors. There are mostly simple blacks, greys, the maroon, and some other colors mixed in throughout in small amounts. This pulls the eye to the maroon sweatshirt on both sides, which connects the two images.
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