Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Efflorescence: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Stella Ge (2013)

My first picture is 3 flowers of the same type but all at different stages held in the palm of my hand. I’ve made the background black and white, leaving the flowers in their original vibrant coloration to emphasize the main subject of my photo by adding contrast between the flowers and my hand. As for the three flowers, they show a gradual progression from bud, baby blossom, to full flower, analogous to how I grow in life. They represent how my identity comes out little by little, and is always growing. I am still discovering who I am, and uncover more and more as time goes on, much like a flower starts off from humble roots and then blooms into a full-grown blossom. I’m holding the flowers in my hand because like the growth of plants, finding one’s identity also requires some a helping hand, providing nurturing and care along the journey. I’ve realized that I’m still growing as a person too, and I don’t know exactly who I am yet, but that’s okay. Eventually, my personality will bloom; it just takes time, patience, and a little bit of guidance.

My second picture is a basket full of flowers and leaves, held up by the tips of my fingers. The full basket represents how like a sunrise, I will fill the entire sky when I truly discover who I am. When I know who I am, the world will become such a brighter and infinite space. I will have the pleasant certainty of knowing exactly what I want, and can see the vibrant colors, just like those the flowers in the basket have. The basket holds all the pieces of who I am - the different flowers that are each a distinct facet of my personality - together. Because I have a sense of who I am, I don’t need much support anymore, which is why only my fingertips are holding the basket up; I can now manage on my own. I am looking forward to the day that I finally feel this way, and the basket of my identity is full of things that make me me.

My identity is like a sunrise; it comes out little by little and then fills the entire sky. The first image represents the evolution of the flower from bud to full bloom, much like my identity on my search for who I am. The second image represents the when I’ve truly found my identity, and all the individual flowers and leaves in my basket are individual things I have learned about myself. What brings the two pieces together are my hand, making an appearance in both images, one providing needed support and the other letting go, and the common theme of flowers. I chose to connect the two images by using flowers because I believe they are the epitome of growth and reflect the same development that happens when a person is finding themselves.
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