Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Addiction: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Yujie Wang (2013)

For my diptych, I put pictures of money and music together as examples to show addictions. On the left side, it’s a black and white photo of a pile of money stacked together. For the left side, I put my favorite headphones with my phone with a cracked screen. The reason I put them together is because they both show a sense of addiction. One is money addiction and another one is music addiction.

Since we live in a capitalist society, we obviously want more money in our life which relates my personal statement '' Lies are like drugs, because once your start it, you need more to continue.'' Another picture of my diptych is a headphone plugged into a phone. I personally really like music and I believe without music, we can’t do anything.

Even though they are two different pictures, both hide deeper meanings that relate to each other. Since my personal statement shows a sense of negative attitude, I purposely made them black and white. However, if you think deeper, you will find that they connect the theme of stress.
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