Freestyle Academy proudly presents

My Chosen Path: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Eleanor Thomas (2013)

For my illustration, I chose to create a picture that represented how I have a lot of opportunities and decisions to make in life. Being young can be very confusing, because there are so many things that can influence me positively or negatively, and I make a lot of mistakes. A lot of them. But that’s ok because I’ll never know who I really am if I don’t try everything and take some risks. In this illustration, a path runs to a clump of signs giving direction on the top of a mountain. None of the signs lead in bad directions, just different directions. A mountain range off in the distance shows peaks that also have signs on top of them, showing how there are plenty of mountains to climb in life, with plenty of different decisions to make even at the top of them. The red path represents the ability to have a clear view of where to go in life, wherever it may go.
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