Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Six Feet Under: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Alexander Kim (2013)

The portion of my personal essay that my illustration is derived from the lines, ''My mouth has gone dry, my eyes gone heavy and my spirit I drag behind me like a dirty shovel after hours and hours of digging. Maybe if I dig a little more, I’ll find the treasure I sought out to discover. Just maybe, one inch below from where I stopped, lay that goal I have set. Although, could I handle finding just another layer of dirt?'' This is a metaphor that represents the journey for success, in nearly anything I do.

The images that are derived from my personal essay are the treasure chest, the shovel, and the massive hole that was dug to find the treasure chest. The treasure represents the success, and the positivity that is felt once it is reached. The difficulty and effort that is put into finding buried treasure represents the constant effort and struggle to overcome failure.
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