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Care Free: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Emma Bridgland (2013)

For my illustration, I drew a skeleton jumping off a cliff into the ocean. I used two specific lines from my personal essay; ''the sounds wrapping itself around my whole body, seeping into my skin, relaxing me yet keeping me on edge all at once.'' I used this line because it says ''seeping into my skin'', which shows how I can take what people say or do to a deeper level. It also says, ''relaxing me yet keeping me on edge all at once'', which shows that I am more comfortable and satisfied with an exciting, eventful life. The second line I used was ''the exhilarating feeling of the bass beating in my bones.'' I used this line because it also references that I take things and think about or see them as something much more than it is (again not just surface/skin level).

In my illustration, the skeleton resembles multiple things. It resembles me in the sense that I am a carefree person who does risky things because I’m not afraid of the outcome knowing nothing will be too extreme. Skeletons can’t die which is why it is so nonchalantly jumping off the cliff.; it knows it has nothing to worry about. The lines I chose also have the word ‘bones’ in it. The bones are showing the deeper level of thinking and feeling. I chose to use an ocean instead of dirt because the great depths of an ocean represent a person in the sense that they both are so unexplored and mysterious. The mountains in the back show stability within the vast, emptiness of an ocean. It balances it out.
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