Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Void: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Ethan Leikach (2013)

My illustration was drawn from three different parts of my personal essay. The volcano is from my opening paragraph, in which the room around the main character is transformed into a land of volcanic ash and lava. The volcano itself symbolizes a feeling of no escape. The cheetah comes in later in the essay when the main character gets robbed. The cheetah represents the speed of the thief. Lastly, the blue fire is from the very end of the essay. It shows that the main character's heart is at ease, but is still burning with a passion.

When I mash these three images into my illustration it proves to be a collision of symbolism, not to mention a wide variety of color. For me this illustration says no matter how fast you are escaping, the inevitable is impossible to avoid. It also speaks to the fact that once you embrace whatever it is you are trying to escape from, you find that simply conquering the task is an escape in itself.
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