Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Growth: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Frank Kapp (2013)

My Illustration uses elements from my personal essay to convey the message of growth. Growth is something that is necessary in everything. Not only does it literally mean, one must grow to be a larger person, growth also pertains to the need to mature and be a better person. When times are tough, the way you grow, and handle your situation is what will shape you as a person. My personal essay talks a lot about the struggles of the football team I play for. It is important for the team to learn from our mistakes, and become the best that we can be.

The tree represents a wise person, as it’s thick, with a weathered trunk, and has seen most everything in the world. I tried to demonstrate literal growth, by showing a chick hatching from its egg. Yet, from a figurative standpoint, this chick shows how something wonderful can be born from something as simple and plain as a white sphere, or egg. Both the tree, and the chick has grown, and will grow more, as long as its life continues.
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