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The Enlightenment Spreads: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Hunter Coffman (2013)

From my personal essay piece, the line that really stood out to me was,''I finally comprehended the beauty and potential for emotion that music had.'' While it doesn’t give the complete transition, it gives the idea of how I changed to understand music as a beautiful form of art. Before the events of my essay, I was arrogant to the beauty of music and I didn’t know of its true potential. In my essay, I show this comprehension by stating, ''I begin to hear what my parents have been hearing: the perfect articulation, the rounded sound, the amazing emotion''. As I said this, I gave exact descriptions to help give the reader a more accurate comprehension and show that I truly did begin to understand what I was hearing.

In my photo, I used the bird as a way to represent music. Many people relate birds to ''singing'' and creating music, and as we see the bird is creating this music. Along with being a representation of music, I made the bird a white color, as I found that to be a great color to represent enlightenment, or my transfer between misunderstanding to comprehending what I was hearing.When we were in class I asked the question of what enlightenment looked like and after I heard several colors, it came to me that white was one of the most enlightening colors, in my opinion. As well, I showed the bird flying from the light side of the picture over to that of the darker side. This was a play off an old American painting titled American Progress by John Gast, which represented a lady (America) traveling from East to West and bringing civilization along with her. I related my picture to that as I showed my bird singing its song, and the song its lighting up the dark, as if enlightening it.
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