Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Marble Race: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Alexander Paulsen (2013)

I primarily use my first image-driven paragraph from my personal essay in my illustration. I use marbles as a metaphor to my thoughts, which sometimes are peculiar and indifferent. I also talk about the uniqueness of each marble, representing my distinctive thoughts. The nature of competitiveness is another idea taken from my personal essay. This idea, I have come to notice, is in all aspects of life, not just sports or school.

My overall concept is a ''marble race'' where the marbles are rolling to the finish line. This combines the concepts taken from my essay, individuality and competitiveness. Each marble is special, just as each person is individual, constantly trying to reach their own goal that they define as success, when everyone else is in the same race. The perspective of the illustration is behind the third place marble, showing that before succeeding ourselves, we see others before us succeed.
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