Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Radio Blare: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Sofia Biros (2013)

My illustration is titled ''Radio Blare.'' Throughout my personal essay, I use the idea of driving in a car. One of my favorite parts of my essay is when I touch upon the changing of radio stations. In my illustration, I represent this through a radio with a hand changing the station. The hand has pink painted nails, a color I often paint my own nails. I titled this piece ''Radio Blare'' not only because my personal essay discusses a radio blaring loud, but also because my middle name is Blair, so it’s a play on words.

The radio is the primary part of my illustration. I represent myself through this image. I am quite like a radio. With a radio, you never quite know what you will hear when you turn it on. There are so many stations, and so many different songs can be playing at once. I am always changing, and I consider myself a very dynamic person. With me, you never fully know what you’re going to get. However, with the radio, there is a lot of repetition. A lot of the same songs are constantly playing. This is much like me as well. Even though you aren’t sure what I’ll be like, there are a lot of similarities of my behaviors all the time.
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