Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Elixir: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Thomas Hoke (2013)

In my illustration, I depict a weary adolescent, who has been seemingly exhausted past the point of recovery. He stares longingly at the elixir that gives him the energy to be the successful adolescent that he is set out to be. In my personal essay I explain that with all the stress and anxiety in my life, the only relief I can find is attending concerts. In my essay I say ''concerts are the rejuvenating and refreshing magical elixirs that give me the energy to get through the day''. Concerts are the one thing that can always cheer me up and can always turn my mood around no matter how grim the situation may seem. Music in general can get me through the average day, but a good live show can propel me to do wondrous things.

In my illustration, the young adult sitting next to the table is meant to depict your average metal concert attendee, who has been exhausted every which way. The flask to the right of the teenager contains the elixir that is vital to his recovery. Inside that elixir lies a concert, the most refreshing aspect of the young man’s life. He stares longingly at the elixir, daydreaming about the extreme exhilaration it would give him to be at a show right now. Despite his tired and worn out eyes, he giddily smiles to himself as he gets lost in the dream he has created in the depths of his imagination. He watches the crowd go wild as he yearns to be a part of it, envisions it for as long as possible until something snaps him back into reality.
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