Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Bringing Light to the Pit: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Annaka Olson (2013)

I based my image off the statement from my essay: ''I can help bring light and compassion into places as dark and ever changing as the pit''. I wanted to explore the idea of compassion and light triumphing over negative forces: a common theme in my life. I attend a fair amount of punk concerts during the summer, and at these concerts there are a lot of negative and positive moments. It can be easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of a particular concert, and when that happens, a person’s capacity for being a force for good is compromised because now they are too preoccupied with their own negativity to help others. At concerts and in all other aspects of my life I do my best to make sure that I am always as optimistic as I can be in order to help others. My compassion and hope for the future is what helped shape this piece.

I represented my optimism and compassion for others through a crutch covered in thorny roses. The crutch represents my compassion, and the thorny parts of the roses represent how sometimes I project an image of pessimism, when in reality, I actually try and find joy in life. I put an octopus tentacle in the background to represent trial and adversity, and how I can overcome them and help others as well. The tentacle is attempting to grab the crutch, but it is unable to move it. Although I may have to deal with struggles in life, I can always do my best to not let those things drag me down. The background is also dark to represent negative forces in life.
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