Freestyle Academy proudly presents

All eyes on me!: A Narrative Character Portrait by Christopher Ogaz (2014)

My Character goes by the name of Valeriana, and she is what you might call a total valley girl. She loves to shop, and follows all the latest trends. She loves things that are extravagant, and is obsessed with panache as well as herself. In this photograph I used a accessories such as the coffee mug from Starbucks and the elegant dress to express her total envelopment in consumerism. She thinks that image is everything, thus her pompous expression.

I used a number of filters and meticulously changed my lighting to give this dreamy effect to this photograph. I deliberately did this because it would give an effect of exterior image; that she spends lots of time focusing on her how she looks on the outside but doesn't care about how she acts on the inside. In this story Valerianas perspective of life gets changed dramatically as she uncovers the facade that she has been wearing. She unveils that consumerism is not the answer to all our problems.
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