Freestyle Academy proudly presents

A Lost Light: A Narrative Character Portrait by Hunter Coffman (2014)

My character's name is James, a very American name. I wanted my character to seem like an every-man, facing an extraordinary problem. James' wife died a few years back, and he's been regretting his loss ever since, feeling as if he's been missing a large piece of himself. Only recently, she's been coming back to him, but not in a way he'd expect. She's been coming back to haunt him, plaguing his life with visions and encounters with her.

In the photo, we see James scared, almost unsure of himself. Due to his recent encounters, he doesn't know what's really true, and what's really just his mind playing tricks. Due to his confusion, the background is black, making him feel alone. As well, his jacket is much larger than what it really should be to represent how he's lost in himself. His flashlight in his hand is to represent that, despite being lost, he still has some hope to find his way in the darkness.
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