Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Natalie Dunnsway: A Narrative Character Portrait by Nora Donovan (2014)

Natalie Dunnsway is 18 years old, in high school, and is working on her college applications. She is feeling the pressure from her family to go to college and have a normal job, however she wants to go and discover herself and gain more life experience. She desires to travel the world and learn as much as she can, in her mind she didn't learn anything real from her suburban life, which was all too repetitive and uniform. She desperately seeked change and an adventure in her life, however her parents had some different plans for her future. How could she break away? She is completely torn between a life changing decision and is trying to bring up the courage to go her own path, the one she hoped for, and dreamed about her whole life. Her deadline is approaching, still undecided, trying to go for what she most desires. What will she choose?
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