Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Ageless: A Narrative Character Portrait by Patrick Ogaz (2014)

Meet Bob. In my narrative, Bob is a elderly man who has problems interacting with his grandchildren. Whenever it comes to talking to his grandkids it ends up coming out as a grunt or a mumble. Because of this inability Bob resorts to actions; unfortunately the actions aren't very helpful. Every time he tries it is exceedingly immature and childish.

In my photo I integrated Bob and his character quirks in a few ways. One way was the old clothing; this clothing was specifically chosen to give Bob a more elderly look. It also has a conflicting quality using older headphones and a Walkman to show that he has more out-of-date technology thus making him a little more elderly. However the walkman represents that Bob is capable of having fun and enjoyment like a younger man. The second way was using a young model to explicitly show the more immature side of Bob and his young-at-heart attitude. The young model was additionally added to embody Bob and how he deals with different problems in a childlike disposition.
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