Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Focus: A Narrative Character Portrait by Arlene Oriel (2014)

The character shown in the portrait is Tyler, who is the protagonist in the narrative I wrote in English. He can be described as an average high school student, and as you may already know, most high school students tend to procrastinate at times. Unfortunately for Tyler, procrastination has led him to this moment, shown in the portrait. He is captured in a moment of frustration, as he struggles to write a story for English that is due the next day. Included in his expression in the portrait is a look of self-loathing as he asks himself why he waited so long to start the writing process, as it is often times a very long and complex process. To top it all off, his creativity seems to be at an all-time low, or at least that's how he feels. In this moment, he is in desperate need of some inspiration to base his creativity off of.
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