Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Through the keyhole: A Junior Conceptual Project by Christopher Ogaz (2014)

My concept statement is the ‘hopefulness that comes from having to earn money'. To symbolize the ‘hope' in my piece, I decided to create a floating orb of light. Then I used a lock to symbolize money, because for me, money gives me a sense of security, locks also give me a similar sense of security. Furthermore I surrounded my orb with black, to show that money is a good tool that can easily be corrupted. I also surrounded my orb with black to show the hardships of having to earn money, because earning money is not normally an easy process.

To create my experimental piece I used Adobe Illustrator to copy a key hole that I wanted to put in my piece. I then took a high quality photo from the internet, and used it for the background of my keyhole, this photo was to give an appearance of a wood door. Then finally I used soft pastels to make the orb, in order to give this 2-dimensional image some texture.
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