Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Garrick Davis: A Senior Profile Portrait by Nicole Falsetti (2014)

The Good Road - I decided to do my profile project on Garrick Davis. Garrick Davis is a musician and a mentor. He is an amazing guitarist who writes his own music and is the leader in his own band. He also teaches guitar lessons to a whole host of people throughout the bay area. Garrick intrigued me because of his indomitable spirit. He has undergo a lot of hardship to get to where he is today and he always sees the positive in everything. I wanted to document his ability to uplift people with his music and his sheer personality. It has always amazed me how he never falters or is discouraged just because of a hurdle in his way. He jumps over it and carries on with his life. I learned to never be discouraged in life and to always see the positives in whatever hardship is thrown my way. I also learned that everything truly does happen for a reason. I am so grateful that I was able to document Garrick because he has taught me that no matter what obstacle I will face, I will always become stronger and more insightful in the end.
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