Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Leslie Porter: A Senior Profile Portrait by Emma Orner (2014)

My profile project revolved around the life of Leslie Porter. Being part of the growing population of stay-at-home moms, she spends her day caring for her children. She may seem ultimately plain, but she is far from any conventional mother. She has nurtured her three boys, loving all of them, but desiring a girl. This inspired the family to proceed in their first international adoption process. From there, the Porter's have delved into six more international adoption processes and now have ten children in their home.

Mrs. Porter not only has taken on the paperwork and legal requirements for adoption, but she homeschools all of her children. She is inspiring in her ability to take on such a big role, as well as her perseverance in caring for her children. Today, the American dream is having a perfect marriage with two kids. Mrs. Porter has allowed me to understand that one's home and resources can be extended to save the lives of many underprivileged kids. Her generosity, as well as her family's, is an ongoing demonstration that a family is one that gives and keeps on giving. Through the eyes of Mrs. Porter, I have a completely different perspective on the world. I found that giving back is more fulfilling than buying unnecessary items. I have also been able to recognize how lucky I am. Children in this area have grown up in wealth, never worrying whether dinner will be on the table. It's because of this, we are ignorant to those who are less fortunate.
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