Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Wilma Traylor: A Senior Profile Portrait by Indigo Washington (2014)

My profile photo is on Wilma Traylor, a pastor who has a church in Oakland, California. She is married and has one daughter. What made me want to profile her was the fact that she used to be a drug addict and spent a huge chunk of time in prisons and County jails, but has since turned her life around. What I have learned from her is that there is always a way to improve, even if you have hit your personal ''rock bottom''. I learned that only you have the power to make your life what you want and if you want change, you don't ask for it, you demand it. Anyone is capable of anything in any situation. She taught me that nobody owes you anything and you don't owe anything to anyone, do what is good for you. Don't let past experiences determine what you do now.
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