Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Bettina Chen: A Senior Profile Portrait by Sanjana Pandit (2014)

My profile star is Bettina Chen, a co-founder of a toy company called Roominate. Roominate's goal is to increase the number of girls in technology and engineering fields and spread the message that girls have the potential do well in science fields. To achieve this goal, Bettina and her co-worker have invented a do-it-yourself wired dollhouse kit, designed to get girls ages 6 and up excited about STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). Besides Bettina's dedication to her work, she is also passionate about ultimate frisbee and never ceases to lose love for the game. I believe Bettina is an inspiring, motivated and driven individual with a dream to improve the lives' of young girls all over the country. She has personally influenced me and taught me the importance of collaboration and motivation. This entire project allowed me to step outside my comfort zone and really get to know my profile star. Not only was I able to improve my communication skills, but I was able to build my work ethic and deal with tight deadlines. Ultimately, I am grateful that I was given the opportunity to create multiple projects about an inspiring woman that all helped me grow and expand my abilities as an individual.
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