Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Charina Cabanayan: A Senior Profile Portrait by Fiona Stolorz (2014)

Charina Cabanayan is a yoga instructor currently teaching at six different studios across the Bay Area. Yoga was not on the horizon for Cabanayan while growing up as a dancer in Chicago. It wasn't until she moved to the west coast to attend college in California that she was introduced to the practice. A friend of hers convinced her to take a Bikram class (where the temperature in the room is turned up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit), and she fell in love. I was intrigued by the fact that she understands the principles and techniques of yoga to a point where she is able to tweak her lesson plan at any moment to satisfy specific needs. Having a routine personalized to the accessibility of each student is clearly in high demand, as Cabanayan's Monday and Wednesday classes fill up quicker than any other class at the JCC (Jewish Community Center). Through this project, I have learned a lot about the value of dedication. Anything you want to obtain takes a long time, but anything that's worth obtaining is bound to take a lot of time and energy. Charina has helped me in discovering this.
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