Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Tommy New Kid: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Emma Orner (2014)

Tommy New Kid is based off of a screenplay written for the Narrative unit at Freestyle. The story itself was inspired by my younger sibling, who's in elementary school. It focuses on the topic of bullying . For this project, I tried to make it as simple as possible. I kept the color variety at a minimum, while creating a focus point that drew the viewer in. The shoes on the main cover were created in Adobe Photoshop by adding a pixelating layer to the image and boosting the color, which portrayed a mosaic look without distorting the shape of the shoes. The rest of the cover was made in InDesign, using fonts from Being the first narrative unit of senior year, I really enjoyed this project. I learned a lot more about screenwriting and the frustration that comes with it.
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