Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Hooked: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Gilles Laurent (2014)

The title of my book is Hooked. The story is about an average twenty first century teenager that had never known a world without video games. Every second of free time Jimmy gets he is hooked to his screen. His worried parents try to help him with his addiction, but Jimmy refuses to comply, until he overdoses on his own game.

For the front cover of the book I used illustrator to draw a picture of Jimmy hooked on his video games. I also gave his thumb a six pack to show how bad his addiction had gotten. For the back cover, we were assigned to write quotes about ourselves and make up magazine names. For the front flap we had to write a summary of the story and a sponsor for our book, in my case: Pink Unicorn USA. For the back flap we had to write an autobiography, and include a profile photo of our self.
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