Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Winston's Grand Adventure: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Isabella Graziani (2014)

For the Narrative unit in Design, I created a Book Jacket to go with my screenplay that I created in English. My screenplay starts off with a little stuffed animal pig named Winston. Winston had always dreamed of being a real animal and tried to fulfill that dream one day when he was at the park with Sally is owner. Winston went on his own exploration to become a real animal by trying rotten apples and frolking in the tall grass. He then runs into some unexpected trouble forcing him to think about what is actually important. I try to make sure the overall theme and design of the jacket was a well representation of the message I was trying to convey in my screenplay. I also wanted to have multiple pictures of Winston, who is the main character of the story, on the book jacket to emphasis his importance in the story. Because this is a children story, I wanted to have the color scheme have pastel colors to represent innocence and give off a whimsical vibe.

I created most of this project in Illustrator with a drawing of the pig and the rest of the layout in Indesign. I found a really cute cartoon of a pig and wanted to base my idea around that. I first started in Illustrator by drawing the pig with the pen tool and created the grass using the symbols of nature. I then exported the pig and placed it in Indesign and started the layout process using a template that my teacher, Mrs. P, gave all of us. Overall, I really loved this project and I great and essay time creating it because I have gotten fairly familiar with the programs I have to use to make my book jacket.
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