Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Elephant: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Rachel Uyeda (2014)

The Elephant is the story of a young elephant, who, when running away from poachers, breaks one of his tusks. From then on, the elephant is ostracized by school-mates and teachers for looking different--for being different. Despite all of the hardship, the elephant never tries to change who he is to fit in. Eventually he makes a friend, and hopefully the lesson that is learned is one the audience takes away.

I created the book jacket in Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. I used a photo of elephant skin that I then altered to create a more textured look, to create the background. I then chose a font that represented the story and created the title, fake quotes, book description, and author bio. Lastly, I added a photo of myself taken in the studio.
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