Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Paul's Adventure: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Sanjana Pandit (2014)

In Design, we were assigned to create a book jacket based on the story we formed in English class. We created this book jacket using Adobe InDesign CS6. There were many components to this assignment. We had to include an author bio, a blurb about our story, and three reviews, which we all crafted in English. In addition to all these elements, we also had to design our book jacket in accordance to the theme and plot of our story. My story was about a young penguin who lives in the small town of Los Altos and has always dreamt of having a white Christmas. This Christmas was different because he goes on an adventure that he thinks will take him to the North Pole. Through this adventure, Paul learns many aspects of life, but most importantly, realizes that what he wants is not what he really needs.

Because I wrote a children's story, I knew I had to include cute illustrations that would draw young kids in and make them interested. After all, the cover is what draws readers into a book. So, using Adobe Illustrator CS6, I drew a penguin wearing a santa hat, which later came in handy when making my animation and website for WebAudio. I also drew a sign with snow on it and snowflakes in Illustrator. Using, I found a font called ''Winter Flakes'' that corresponded to the theme of my story perfectly! I implemented this font in this book jacket, which I think really made this piece appealing and tied everything together. Ultimately, I am satisfied with the final outcome of my book jacket art. I truly was able to grow as a graphic designer and get exposure as a publisher!
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