Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Hall Monitor Tales: A Senior Narrative Book Jacket by Christopher Thiem (2014)

For my Book Jacket project I chose to create a humorous, children's journal. The text is in a font that seems educational, but also playful, like a middle school kid. For the back of the book, the quotes are on a faded piece of crumpled up binder paper, which adds a nice effect to show this book will be in a school setting. I added a double white stroke around many of the items on the front cover, which made them pop. I used gradients for all of the text as well as the background and these gradients blend nicely, as they are not hard to look are or tell apart.

I faced quite a few challenges while doing this project. Originally, I had chosen an entirely different approach and the book was going to be completely different. However, once I realized that that was going to be a bad overall project, as the book jacket would be extremely plain, I switched my idea to this and I think it was a welcomed change. During the creation of the project, I found that I did not like my original cover. I thought it was very plain, and the drawings of school objectives weren't very noticeable. I added a double white stroke around them out of desperation and it worked. I liked the rest of the project quite a bit and thought it turned out to be one of my better projects.
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