Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Liquidize: A Senior Surreal Photo by Cindy Nguyen (2014)

There is a cool, granite slate. Once a reflective surface, it now harbors a lakeside with a miniature port with small sails. A building is not far off. The setting is physically being poured by a ghostly, glass teapot suspended midair. Behind, there is a wooden fence, jagged lines and overlayed with broken rocks and tiles. Some patches are darker than others, with uneven gaps and holes from an imperfectly built fence. Even further behind the fence is the edge of the water. A bench is just visible between the cracks of the fence, peaceful. To create my composition, I used only Adobe Photoshop and its features with opacity, layer settings, and filters. The layer settings and opacity helped me create my textures, while the surrealistic and dream-like feel to my composition was created with distortion and warp tools, along with the filters.

There is a cool, granite slate. Once a reflective surface, it now harbors a lakeside with a miniature port with small sails. A building is not far off. The setting is physically being poured by a ghostly, glass teapot suspended midair. Behind, there is a wooden fence, jagged lines and overlayed with broken rocks and tiles. Some patches are darker than others, with uneven gaps and holes from an imperfectly built fence. Even further behind the fence is the edge of the water. A bench is just visible between the cracks of the fence, peaceful. To create my composition, I used only Adobe Photoshop and its features with opacity, layer settings, and filters. The layer settings and opacity helped me create my textures, while the surrealistic and dream-like feel to my composition was created with distortion and warp tools, along with the filters.
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