Freestyle Academy proudly presents

(Untitled): A Senior Surreal Photo by Joseph Pressman (2014)

My piece is of a man in a suit holding an umbrella made out of legal folders protecting him from nothing. He is still, however, coated in red paint, where I decided to use the sponge tool in Photoshop to boost the saturation so that it ''pops'' more. The man is also stepping over a collage of a suburban street. I took the photos of the houses on my bike while I rode past them, which was surprisingly easy considering I needed two hands to take a photo.

The symbolism of the man stepping over the houses was my way of trying to show how large corporations find it so simple to step over those that do not interest them. The red paint on his jacket is to symbolize how even with his legal papers protecting him he is still tainted by misdeeds.
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