Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Sandman: A Senior Surreal Photo by Nava Motamedi (2014)

Using Photoshop, I created an image of water and the focal point, the Sandman, which were both in HDR. The water, with different shades of blue, is placed as the sky to create an illusion of being under water. The clouds are used along with the background with a texture of an ocean ripple to create the illusion of being underwater. The Sandman is created by masking a sand texture on the subject, placed on the foreground.

Creating this image, the color scheme used is called Compound , which has a combination of dirty gold, different shades of blue, and a little green. My design is based on a dream I had which still remains today in my memories; which sets the idea of having clouds as the background to give the scene. The idea of a Sandman growing out of sign into a whole new world is interpreted as being born into a place where the man is isolated. That's where the concept of being underwater comes from. No one, above of the water, will understand his isolation because he is not noticeable from their point of view.
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