Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Flying High: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Collin Frietzsche (2014)

The amplified project was very unique in its multimedia attraction. For this piece I used my blink writing and drawings to create this Amplified piece. The initial image was of a collage I created from a very feminine magazine. I took various feminine products are created a body using a dress as the body, eyeliner, make-up, and other beauty products as the arms and legs. The head was a Target logo and had a had from a fancy bracelet. When I put this into photoshop, I decided to replace the body with a gradient to give a blue tone that I have used as a representation of anticipation.

I created this through a few photo filters. The first came from the background. I used a colorizer which altered the colors and then I inverted them to give the blue effect. The initial image was a macro photo of a flower with two bugs on them that added a cool white effect. The whole image was shaped together in photoshop to create the final product.
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