Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Human Thought: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Daniel Wilson (2014)

This piece was inspired by the prompt ''thought'' that was provided to us after we had meditated, free wrote, and played some childish activities. The original idea behind the image was that we had the choice to look at life like a paradise (a peaceful island) or a nightmare (a deathly island surrounded by lava) everyday. When I was assigned to revise the image I drew with pencil and paper using photoshop, I realized I could squeeze a new idea in as well. The added idea is that our minds are brilliant in how they can look at childish lines on a piece of paper (my drawing skill) and fill in the picture with a whole new world, bringing it to life.

It all started with color pencils and fancy paper as seen on the bottom of the image. Once the image was scanned into Photoshop, the fun began with texturing. I used a gigantic plug-in called Filter Forge 4 to create every single texture using the 30-day trial. After the 6 different textures were created I then masked out the same areas as the original drawn image to have the textures fill the correct areas of the paper. To add to the realism I took a picture of one of my towels and a grave from the internet and placed the smaller versions in the places they originally were in. When I added the text from my freewrite about the same prompt, I realized they needed something more to stand out on, which inspired me to duplicate both the towel and the grave to make them stand out. Also, the blanket and the grave became a representation of the two different worlds; the relaxed, comfortable, clear life compared to the scarred, blurred, deathly life. Finally, a glow similar to many desktop wallpapers was used to separate the two worlds.
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