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Isolation Vs. Solitude: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by David Smith (2014)

The prompt that I decided to do my Amplified project on was Isolation vs. Solitude. My main idea is how being in solitude can be relaxing and you can actually meditate and connect with yourself. Isolation, on the other hand, is not any form of meditation. Isolation can be being unwillingly blocked off from communication, when you really don't want to be. In my piece from class I drew a man sitting on grass next to a pond meditating. He is on the opposite side of the page from the hustle and bustle of a city. This is to show that he has voluntarily left his everyday life to go out and just be. When I put it in Photoshop, I added in a picture of someone trapped behind a fence right in the city. I did this to show that even though you are in civilization, you can still feel isolated and trapped.

For the actual drawing of the piece, I used watercolor to draw the pond and fish and crayon for everything else. I used the font ''escape great'' from I used the technique blur/overlay to make the grass and meditating man much brighter and blown out. This is supposed to convey that he is happy because bright colors correlates with happiness. The last thing I did was apply ''Retro Filters'' which I found online. I used a filter called heatwave and applied it to the pond and fish. It changed the color of the pond into a brighter blue with a green glow as well. It also created a green glow around the fish. This also adds a surreal look to the pond.
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