Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Amplified: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Elizabeth Miotke (2014)

For my amplified project, I created a piece that represents a quote by Kurt Vonnegut. My interpretation of the quote was how people perceive things differently and more clearly when they ''stand on the edge.'' Certain aspects of life start to stand out more than others, while things we once thought were important in the center, get moved to the back burner. I reacted to the quote with a positive outlook.

To create this project, I started with acrylic paint on canvas paper. I wanted to include edges and centers, which is what led to this abstract design involving circles and a cube. Next, I scanned the canvas and opened it in Photoshop to add a filter, text, and a focal photograph in the center of the cube. I downloaded a filter and then used it over the photograph of clouds to make them look more three dimensional in contrast to the purple ring and cube.
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