Freestyle Academy proudly presents

They'll Come Home: A Senior Explorations Amplified Piece by Emily Markman (2014)

The concept that I had behind this piece is relatively simple. I found a picture of a dog anxiously waiting for someone to come home while looking for things to cut out for the prompt Anticipation. For this prompt, we had to look through magazines and make a collage of pictures that were related to Anticipation, and then use Sharpie® to create anything else we wanted. I put the dog in the middle and wrote With Time It Will Come in bright pink, and Wait. Stay. Home. Come. Back. Please. in a mint color Sharpie®. I wrote With Time It Will Come as the main front because I wanted to communicate the important message and Wait. Stay. Home. Come. Back. Please. behind as something like thoughts that I thought would go through the dog's head.

For this project, I first took my art piece, scanned it into the computer, and popped it into Photoshop. Before anything, I duplicated the background and then framed my main work. Then I created extra space around it in order to give me more room to create what I wanted. After that, I covered the canvas in red and went to Render>Clouds in Photoshop which defused the red and and gave it a nice cloudy effect. Next, I created another layer where I used Clouds again, but made it border the entire picture. On another layer I created a square of purple. I set the layer to a low opacity and then option dragged it around to create a tissue paper like effect, or like the first layer of Papier Mâché. Then I wrote ''wait wait wait'' in the font Mongolian Baiti. I option dragged the text and then tilted the two layers and set them to a low opacity so that it would help create depth. I just highlighted a few of the ''wait''sto help emphasize the prompt. My favorite part of this project was when I added in a square of color, used Noise>Add Noise and created a pixelated effect on top of the main work. I used a glitch method to distort it. The next layer was noise as well, but I messed around with it so that it kind of muted everything, and gave it a nice texture. Finally I copy/pasted the dog and used a hue filter on it so that it would stand out more, and wrote They'll Come Home, the title of the piece, in the MAWNS Handwriting font. I transformed and distorted it with Puppet Warp.
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